Kenya L. Goodson, PhD
Environmental Engineer and Researcher
Environmental Justice Advocate and Community Educator
I have a gift to teach!!!
Environmental Science (ESS 100, SC225)
General Biology I/II (BIO 141/142)
Life Science (BIO 131)
Organic Chemistry I/II (CHM 343/344)
Algebra I/Algebra, Trig & Geometry (MAT 131)
Physics (Upward Bound)
General Chemistry (Upward Bound)
Physical Science (Upward Bound)
​Student Lecturer-CEE 423/523---The University of Alabama Department of CCEE
Guest Lecturer, Fulbright Specialist, "Addressing Climate Change in Developing Nations, Aton de Kom University of Suriname
Guest Lecturer, Fulbright Specialist, "From Awareness to Action: Advocating for a Sustainable Future"
CE Course Design: Onsite Wastewater Systems---The University of Alabama Department of CCEE
The Environmental & Us: Understanding the world around us through a Cultural Lens (coming soon)
Environmental & Social Justice (coming soon).
Climate Change & Resiliency (coming soon)

Dr. Zichem's Sustainability Class with yours truly/Aton de Kom University of Suriname